Before you get discouraged, consider this. Whatever you’re marketing from your ministry is only going to appeal to a specific audience. You have to be comfortable with knowing that even though you may have a desire, or a burden to assist a particular group of people, they may not be willing or ready to accept what you have to offer. This is when you need to cast your net more broadly, or in other words, go fish in other ponds. Sometimes we stick to our tunnel vision, because we think that only one specific group of people can benefit from our services. Don’t make this mistake. You’ll be surprised at what you catch when you combine the right bait with the right base.
Consider Jesus for a moment. Although he was sent “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” the Bible says that, “he came to his own, and his own received him not.” Did Jesus stop fishing? Absolutely not! He ended up broadening his base and servicing the needs of the gentiles; they believed in and supported his ministry.
If you cast your net and the individuals you originally cast the net for don’t respond, don’t panic. When the original path doesn’t work out, don’t be afraid to change course. After all, Jesus did.
In closing, whether you’re seeking to attract new converts, or new clients; you have to fish wisely and remain open.
This article was inspired by Diana Hobbs @www.hobbsministries.com
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