Do not panic. These things happen. Remember that you are networking with actual human beings. Human beings do have flaws. People aren't perfect. It's not worth getting stressed over.
Disconnect from that person. If what they've done is really bad, you can always remove that person from your list of contacts. Most social networking sites have a delete button. There's no rule that says you have to stay connected to everyone that you connect to.
Make sure not to put that person on blast. I know it's tempting to let everyone and their momma know about the bad thing that person did. Don't do it. It's not professional. Remember what goes around comes around. There's always two sides to every story. Don't go putting people on blast unless you're ready for the backlash that could happen.
Social media mishaps can happen. It's inevitable. Don't let one bad experience ruin your outlook on social networking. Just shake this off and keep on trucking.
Author: DeAnna Troupe (www.www.deannatroupe.com/list.html)
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