Most successful business people will acknowledge that their business success is due in no small way, to the help they received from a selected group of people known as "business advisers".
It is impossible for a business owner to know everything about everything, and it is a mistake to think that they can do everything on their own. At some time or another every business owner will need to consult these people for business advice or assistance.
Don’t do it all yourself.
The requirements of commerce, the strategies involved in business, and the expertise required in many areas of business, mean that most people are unlikely to have all the specialised skills necessary to run their business efficiently and profitably.
Any type of arrogant thinking is a recipe for failure, stress and burnout.
We hear too often from our clients "Oh... I can do that myself or have an intern write the marketing materials to save some money." Think again. 100% of the time our clients come back humbled, having wasted precious time not getting the job done right or done at all. Or even worse, they started paying tid bit fees to to get stuff done without an overall strategy or plan on what to do and when and how to do it.
As a business owner you simply will not have the time or energy to do everything yourself and if you are a one-man business or one-woman business, the stress will be more evident if you have no-one else to discuss business issues with. In any event, it is unwise to try to do everything alone or in isolation when there are people available who have the expertise and the skills to help in your business - the business adviser.
Find and build your team
. Your team of advisers will generally be made up of an accountant, a lawyer, a bank manager, an insurance consultant, and a finance broker. In addition, make sure that you have a marketing & PR specialist on bord, somebody that helps you create or re-define your company, your branding your image and how to communicate what you have to offer.
Advisers can make a huge difference to the smooth running of your business. Always look for professional advisers who are business oriented, rather than professionally oriented.
Most lawyers and accountants, for example, are experienced in their field, but they also need to offer advice regarding the law and accounting as it directly relates to business. It's not enough to simply get a professional adviser. You need to seek the services of a person who knows something about business. Your Marketing & PR Specialist should not only create ads or write a press release: he should consult you on your branding and image, research your market and get you in touch with your target group via a selected array of Marketing and PR tools
Too many people think there is a special mystique attached to the members of professions such as lawyers or accountants and they believe that any professional adviser will do a good job. WRONG!
The fact is, while some advisers have specialist knowledge, their competence to apply that knowledge may be questionable.
Make a point not to seek an adviser simply because they happen to be handy to your business. Seek someone who has competency in their field, relating to business even if they have offices on the other side of town.
Conclusion: Outsource, be the CEO of your company and work on your business, not 'in' your business. Focus on what you do best and leave the rest to the experts.
ource:StartRunGrow 2006© 2006 Copyright StartRunGrow